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> Mists of Areinor, the first storm

Crystal >>>
post #21, отправлено 18-05-2006, 10:06

the one in love
Сообщений: 1502
Откуда: грани реальности
Пол: нас много!

очарованных: 2053

"The chef asked you to come as quick as you can. There gonna be some grand feast or reception or dinner or something, so he... eh... I can't return without you"
Litar's face gone slightly pale while Ron was speaking. Young hunter understood well enough what was going on. The concilor, not a grand feast, is the main cause of that urgent summons. But, from the other hand - they could send guards after him, not a boy...
Trying to find a right path out of this, Litar glanced at the scullion and said with some anger in voice: "Go, go. I need to finish some work. After that I'll go there. Promise you, that I won't be too late"

Сообщение отредактировал Crystal - 18-05-2006, 10:07

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Daelinn >>>
post #22, отправлено 24-05-2006, 10:53

Private property

Сообщений: 792
Пол: женский

Приключений на свою голову: 1521
Наград: 1

Litar’s house

Ron stepped back in hesitation, then made two steps aside and leaned against the wall. Litar looked scared and angry at the same time. The scullion wondered why he should be so afraid to appear at the royal kitchen, unless the hunter had done something... Well, that was none of Ron's business.
"I'll wait here," he said wearily, sliding down the wall and placing the bag on his knees. He would just sit here until Litar is ready. The chef rarely accepted any excuses for not fulfilling his orders.

Outside the town wall

Seril slept badly this night. The vision which flashed before her eyes the previous evening returned later. A chain of signs, which could be interpreted in many different ways – but none of them was optimistic. After a light breakfast, the woman went for her usual stroll in the woods, this time half listening to morning birdsongs and hardly looking around. Perhaps, she will have to keep away from the city as much as possible – Seril had no intention whatever to get mixed up in another of those dirty affairs, which was obviously brewing in Areinor.

Before the palace

Leir rose quickly to his feet when he noticed a solitary figure approaching the front gates. The guard glanced at his companions, nodding at the early guest. The man in a weather-worn cloak came up to the guards, who stepped forth blocking the entrance.
"Who are you," Leir demanded, "and what business has brought you here?"
The stranger raised his hat a bit and looked straight into Leir’s eyes.
"My name is Almir Veon," he replied in a hushed voice. "I've got no intention to enter Rosa, nor talk to anyone in there. I would only ask you to hand this over to His Honor Lord Kessertin."
Almir slid his hand under the cloak, letting the silvery sign on the robes underneath glitter in the rays of the rising sun, and produced a sealed scroll tied with a black ribbon. The mark on the seal resembled the one on his robes.
"You shall report to the Councilor about my visit and hand in the message," Veon's tone was now authoritative.
"Of course, Sir," Leir hurried to take the scroll and bowed. When he looked up again, the strange visitor was already gone. He only noticed the flap of his cloak before it disappeared behind one of the buildings surrounding the central square. The guard muttered something and rushed inside to the south-eastern wing of the palace, where Lord Kessertin of Keran resided.

"Are you going to let what other people think stand in the way of what you want to do?”
© Theodor Dreiser, The Financier.
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Crystal >>>
post #23, отправлено 3-07-2006, 10:42

the one in love
Сообщений: 1502
Откуда: грани реальности
Пол: нас много!

очарованных: 2053

In the palace.

Though he looked just as usual, that morning lord Kessertin was very excited. The moment of fate was coming soon. Everything was prepared and not a mistake should be with this. Silently walking on the coridors, the concilor came at the palace’s kitchen and watched the chief-cook’s work. Today’s dinner for the king needed some SPECIAL spices. And the chief-cook was going to make all the dishes right. Lord Keran thought, that he must see the process with his own eyes.

Litar’s house.

Sighed, Litar walked through his room, trying to find out the right way. Without doubt this summons in the palace was a trap. But why they didn’t send guards after him – he did not understand. Well, anyway – he stayed free, so…
After a few minutes the scullion saw Litar, coming out the door.
- Hey, why do you seet hear? – the hunter pretended angry. – I said to you to go forward.
But next Litar waved with his hand:
- Oh, gods with you, let’s go together.

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Daelinn >>>
post #24, отправлено 18-07-2006, 19:00

Private property

Сообщений: 792
Пол: женский

Приключений на свою голову: 1521
Наград: 1

In the palace

The chef started when he saw His Honor's at the kitchen's threshold. Clim remembered his instructions quite well – he did receive his salary for something, after all, and he always did that perfectly. His sophisticated dishes were tasty, spices – ideally combined, and the King praised the chef-cook above all others. Lord Keran did, too, but in his own way.
"I've already created the recipe you asked for, my lord," Clim said, tearing his attention away from busy and fussing cooks and scullions, bowing his head to Kessertin. "Pity, we are left with little meat, but I'm now summoning our hunters to help with this. Knowing their zeal, we expect to get everything ready just in time."
"Hope you do," Keran was examining one of his sparkling rings, then went on to study the chef-cook's face. "This dinner must be exceptional. You know the reward."
Clim began nodding quickly, mumbling something about His Honor's goodness and generosity. Lord Keran pierced him with the gaze of his brown eyes and walked away, through the long narrow corridors of Rosa's south-eastern wing.

Litar's house

Ron jumped at the sound of the opening door. Goodness gracious, this guy was coming with him, after all. The scullion replied nothing to Litar's demand, but the expression on the red-haired boy's face showed much relief. Ron flung the bag at his back and followed the hunter, who knew the road to the Rosa himself for sure. About halfway to their destination point, Ron failed to keep his mouth shut and started gossiping about what was going on inside the palace.
"You know, since the very morning everybody seems to be hurrying here and there as if an alarm has gone off," the scullion whispered and then added in a hushed voice, "His Majesty is said to have demanded a grand feast, but there is not enough meat and all that. I think..."
Ron never finished his thought and cut himself short, remembering the cook's strange look when the latter burst into the kitchen that same morning.

Outside the town wall

The woods to the east of Areinor were most frequented by hunters or people with deep understanding of the ways of the nature, wishing peace and quiet for meditation. Those usually went there at noon and left long before the sun approached the horizon. Even in former days the forest on this side was never safe for a solitary wayfarer, nothing to say of the present uneasy times. There were lots of small parks in the city itself to entertain general public and keep it away from the wild.
Seril was of the kind of people, however, who dared go to great lengths in order to get what they wanted. She was unafraid of the things she understood (or seemed to), and the nature was familiar to her. But the last night's ride of the councillor's coach awoke fear that had been creeping up steadily on her soul. Soft whisper of leaves intertwined with the rustle of the woman's brown gown, twigs crackled under her feet as she followed an old overgrown path. Before a small clearing Seril stopped, quivering, although even the tree shadows this summer failed to protect against the heat. Too bad. The woman glanced around, noting nothing strange, picked some blades of grass, and then walked away. A stream was winding through the forest, transforming into a small pond half a mile down from that place. There she sat, twisting the weeds, twining sort of a wreath. Once ready, it was placed on the water surface, and enchanting formulas came to life.

Сообщение отредактировал Daelinn - 18-08-2006, 8:18

"Are you going to let what other people think stand in the way of what you want to do?”
© Theodor Dreiser, The Financier.
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Crystal >>>
post #25, отправлено 6-09-2006, 7:59

the one in love
Сообщений: 1502
Откуда: грани реальности
Пол: нас много!

очарованных: 2053

Going towards the castle, Litar had tried to gather his thoughts. It was uneasy, but it was vital. Listening scullion's gossip with half an ear, hunter wandered what will he do, when the Keran's guards will grab him.
It was not long distance to the Rosa's walls when Litar saw Gitana almost running in the same way as he was fallowing. She looked rather excited and somehow upset.
- Hello? - Litar called for circus dancer and smiled with some effort. - Something has happened? You look like circus is burning.
The girl had stoped and turned to hunter and his young companion.
- Burning? - she exclaimed. - Things are almost as worse as it. They arrested Vigo! He could not do anything wrong, but he is in prison now. It is a mistake! I need to tell them, that they had made a terrible mistake!
Words were flowing like a stream out of Gitana's mouth and it seemed, that she was becoming angry. But her words had terrified Litar when he realised, that maiden was going to palace with such claims. She probably did not understand what was happening in kingdom.
- Wait! You can not go there now. - Litar had tried to convince dancer. - Don't you know that you would not help Vigo, but they will take you to?

Сообщение отредактировал Crystal - 9-09-2006, 8:21

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Lustration >>>
post #26, отправлено 8-09-2006, 20:13

An Ashwing

Сообщений: 96
Откуда: from the Old Home
Пол: женский

Newborn Haibanes: 205

Young woman could hardly open her eyes - so sweet it was, lying in the warm bed without thinking about the troubles of the real world. What is a dream? Lune thought that dreams are the only way to open the gates between different worlds. That's why a dream is a kind of magic.
But Luana woke up and had to get up. Her duties couldn't wait. Trying to dress as fast as she could, the healer thought of last night - full of worries and strange visions. Then her mind lit from the darkness the thought of prince John.
'He must be alright now' Lune told to herself. The fusion was powerful, but the recources were almost over. The woman needed to find a new source. But she couldn't gather su'uhr herself - it was too far from Areinor. And the situation in the city turned misty. It was not quite a good time for leaving.
Luana forced herself to forget about it for some time. 'I need some rest.' And the healer stepped from the coziness of her apartment to the long corridors of Rosa. She moved towards the kitchen. 'And some food too...'

And then Haibanes could escape his mind... ©
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дон Алесандро >>>
post #27, отправлено 10-09-2006, 18:31

Doctorum Adamus cum Flabello Dulci

Сообщений: 745
Откуда: Unseen University
Пол: мужской

Бубликов: 2271

When the stranger left Edwin started his usual work. The day was not very successful, actually, there were no more vistors so he released his assistant in the middle of the day. Then he decided to have dinner and think about that stranger and their deal. But he didn't manage to complete this plan. A ring of the door-bell which he heard soon after the departure of his aid ment that someone wanted to talk to him. His visitor was lord Kessertin, king's counsellor. Edwin invited him to come in and asked what brought His Lordship to his shop.
Kessertin sat down to the armchair and asked.
"I've heard that you take a new ancient knick-knacks", lord Keran smiled. "Could show me something?"
"You see, sir, I have a lot of different stuff... Do you have any definite preferencies?"
"Have you got any caskets? For letters or for jewelers, it doesn't matter - prolonged counselor - As you maybe know, I am sort of collector… a knick-knack-hunter."
Kessertin glanced to the shelves.

(And Олорин)

Liber Ecclesiastes, Caput 1.

9 quid est quod fuit ipsum quod futurum est quid est quod factum est ipsum quod fiendum est
10 nihil sub sole novum nec valet quisquam dicere ecce hoc recens est iam enim praecessit in saeculis quae fuerunt ante nos
11 non est priorum memoria sed nec eorum quidem quae postea futura sunt erit recordatio apud eos qui futuri sunt in novissimo.
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Олорин >>>
post #28, отправлено 10-09-2006, 18:34

Ignis Sanctus

Сообщений: 209
Откуда: Maxwell House
Пол: мужской

Забытых подвигов: 439

"He needs a casket... It's a good chance to get rid of that thing's which I bought some hours ago..." Edwin was sure that he had to use this chance. So he took that casket from the shelf opened it, and gave it to cancellour.
"Look. What do think about it?"
"Very interesting! - Kessertin took the casket - It seems old, very old… do you know what these symbols mean?"
Edwin shrugged his shoulders.
"Didn't have the chance to find out."
Lord stood up. His eyes were shining.
"I am glad that I found some minutes for visiting you… I buy this casket. How much?"
"Mmm... 200 sterlings, is it okay?" This price was a bit higher than a real cost, but Edwin hoped, that lord Kessertin would agree.
"The price is acceptable… - Keran doesn't let go casket - Now I've got only 125, until the sunset I've send somebody to you"
Lord unties his pocket and throws about it to the vendor.
"Thank you… and have a nice day!"
"Good bye, sir."
When the councellour left Edwin smiled, put the money into his pocket and went to his dining-room in order to have a snack.

(And дон Алесандро)

Сообщение отредактировал Олорин - 28-09-2006, 19:27

Os iusti meditabitur sapientiam et lingua eius loquetur iudicum.
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Parkan >>>
post #29, отправлено 28-09-2006, 15:17

Wyld Wyld West Marshall

Сообщений: 395
Откуда: Москва
Пол: мужской

Записей в книге контрактов: 535
Наград: 2

The full Moon made its way slowly across the night sky. The nocturnal luminary imparted everything touched by its radiance an eerie aura, both attractive and frightening. Wolves’ sun, some say… Unfortunately, sometimes legends hold the truth – way more, than one would like.

… A lone figure was striding steadily across the moonlit fields. An outside observer would have said that the night traveler was obviously a man, of over-than-middle height, wearing classical mercenary garb. A simple helmet without a visor, many times cut and repaired suit of chain mail, a shield of oval shape, hanging on the back, a sword in a worn scabbard. Neither really well off nor obviously run down – one of many men-at-arms, traveling from state to state in search of fame and fortune. An attentive and knowledgeable observer would also notice that the mercenary was young, not quite successful at the moment and seriously worried right now. But where would such an observer emerge from late in the night in the middle of sunburnt field a few hours on foot from the city?

It seemed as if the Moon was winking archly at Eugene Greenstone, stirring blood in his veins. Sometimes the mercenary even began to think that Lune was teasing him outright. Alas, there was nothing to be done about it. After the incident two days ago, in a small inn at the ferry, Greenstone was left with the only way to escape wrath of an angered mob – flee. And so he did before someone cared to connect a quarrel followed by a fierce fistfight, thunderous roar, marks of huge teeth and claws on torn bodies of local drunkards, and bloodied footprints leading into the forest. Again! Lack of self-control in the most unfortunate circumstances, characteristic during the full moon, had shattered what stability Eugene was able to build up. Darn…

Well, too late now, anyway. No point in weeping for the spilled milk. In the beginning of that disastrous evening the mercenary had overheard some gossip about Areinor, capital of a neighboring kingdom. Some strange unrest was going on there: missing people, mysterious people surrounding the king – and, on top of that, a long draught. Hmm… Not that Eugene was good at or, at least, liked to fish in troubled waters – but the whole situation did offer some possibilities for an enterprising fellow. And Greenstone was certainly not in position to decline them outright.

The night journey went peaceful and uneventful for Eugene... except for the growing feeling of having lost direction to Areinor. Once in a while Greenstone looked at the stars, checking the Star Axis. Well, at least he was going west.
Hours went by, the field gave place to a vast forest. The sky was getting bright already, so the mercenary went in without hesitaion. His main concern was to mantain the course, since, due to the same reasons he had to move to Areinor, wild creatures tended to avoid him if not pressed into the corner.
Soon the clouds of morning mist winding between the trees were pierced by the soft light of rising sun. Having left about fifteen miles of rough terrain behind, Eugene felt hungry and tired. Luckily, in a clearing ahead he spotted a still surface of a forest lake... or a pond maybe - there was also a faint sound of gurgling water, a spring, perhaps.
Some rest, finally! Onward!
Paying no attention to branches cracking under the soles of his boots and leaves rustling behind, Eugene forced his way to a nice opening at the pond's shore.

And that's why Sir Isaac Newton is the DEADLIEST-SON-OF-A-BITCH- IN-SPACE! © Mass Effect 2

Сыграл бы по вселенной Mass Effect; по миру Тьмы (оборотни, а также в роли охотника на вампиров); прикл по современности - мистика и/или survival; нелинейный фентезийный прикл с большой свободой действий. По возможности хотелось бы играть большей частью сольными постами, ну или хотя бы единоличные и совместные посты пополам.
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Daelinn >>>
post #30, отправлено 5-10-2006, 9:51

Private property

Сообщений: 792
Пол: женский

Приключений на свою голову: 1521
Наград: 1

Before the palace

Ron calmed down, seeing that his abrupt silence didn’t catch the hunter’s attention. The scullion was concerned about his own wellbeing in the first place. But when a strange girl appeared, the poor guy started worrying again. It was almost 10 a.m. Ron should have been at the kitchen by this time, engrossed in rubbing down frying-pans. Marta will complain to the chef ‘bout his behaviour and Clim will get angry for sure. Ouch...
“Hey, lad, come on. Or else we get in trouble, both!” Ron was pulling at Litar’s sleeve like a small kid at his mum’s.

The guards at the front gate noticed the three people standing at the far side of the central square and glancing now and again at the palace. Leir, loath to get involved with any other strangers in the same morning, was now watching them lazily. Should they stay there for two minutes longer – and he’ll have to report it. Damn all this fuss and suspicions!

In the palace

Luana walked to the kitchen in the same north-east wing of Rosa where her own room was. Servants migrated by in evident hurry. As she came closer, she could hear the cooks’ voices ringing even across the corridors, urging ‘those lazy bastards’ to move on and get the feast meal ready by noon. That was clearly impossible, ‘cause the royal suppliers had just been sent away to fetch more meat, and that meant at least two hours’ delay.
In a small room to the left of the main corridor, which was a kind of canteen for servants, two maids were gossiping over a can of cabbage soup, not even caring to talk in whisper. The noise from the kitchen was anyway overriding for an outside listener what they were saying.

By the forest pond

The fibres intertwined
The memory caught...

Seril flinched and twitched, failing to recite the formula up to the end. A loud crackling was heard from behind as if a beast was making his way through the forest paying no attention to whatever obstacles it met on its way. Making fists and clenching her teeth, the woman turned round - very much eager to ‘explain’ to whatever being she was to face, that interfering in spell casting was ‘not right’. Raising her gaze, Seril saw swinging branches of rowan-trees, then a helmet, and finally the whole figure of a man. The latter looked like a guardsman or hireling who had been wandering through the woods for the whole night.
“Don’t your jingling and glittering trifles obstruct your view and cut off any sense of caution? Wonder why you’re still alive,” the woman uttered in a cold voice touched with hardly suppressed anger. Then she looked at him closer, speculating on what such series of strange events might mean. Alright, perhaps there’ll be a hint – just see him off from here and finish that rite...

"Are you going to let what other people think stand in the way of what you want to do?”
© Theodor Dreiser, The Financier.
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Parkan >>>
post #31, отправлено 19-10-2006, 22:21

Wyld Wyld West Marshall

Сообщений: 395
Откуда: Москва
Пол: мужской

Записей в книге контрактов: 535
Наград: 2

Suddenly a sharp cold voice pierced the rustling and cracking.
“Don’t your jingling and glittering trifles obstruct your view and cut off any sense of caution? Wonder why you’re still alive.”
Imagine yourself tired, hungry and dirty. Imagine yourself having to stride on and on for the whole night through the rough terrain. Then, at last, you spot a nice place to settle down for a while. You break through the thick undergrowth, looking forward to get rid of backpack, armor, gods-damn-them boots, and jump into the water… only to walk into a furious woman, eyeing you angrily!
“Well, good day to you too,” Eugene frowned and stepped sideway, intending just to walk past the strange woman. “Thanks for caring so much about my safety,” acidic self-irony ringed in his voice, “but, as you can see, I’ve made it so far as here and now. I can take care of myself, thankyuvrymuch”.
Uh-huh… the last time you took care of yourself, you had to flee real fast. Great work, laddy… Greenstone winced, sighed heavily and went on to a nice spot on a sunlit shore near a small sandy bank of the stream. Judging by the traces of an old fireplace, this cozy spot was a popular place for picnics, and Eugene was fully determined to make use of this peaceful secluded nook in the forest and have a thorough rest for the remainder of the day.

And that's why Sir Isaac Newton is the DEADLIEST-SON-OF-A-BITCH- IN-SPACE! © Mass Effect 2

Сыграл бы по вселенной Mass Effect; по миру Тьмы (оборотни, а также в роли охотника на вампиров); прикл по современности - мистика и/или survival; нелинейный фентезийный прикл с большой свободой действий. По возможности хотелось бы играть большей частью сольными постами, ну или хотя бы единоличные и совместные посты пополам.
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Daelinn >>>
post #32, отправлено 4-11-2006, 13:48

Private property

Сообщений: 792
Пол: женский

Приключений на свою голову: 1521
Наград: 1

By the forest pond

“I can take care of myself, thankyuvrymuch.”
“For nothing,” the woman replied, watching the intruder go past her to the stream. Well, at least he doesn’t seem eager to bother her any more.
Seril crossed hands at her breast and followed the man by a curious gaze. Should find out who he is. But later. She looked back to the pond, held up the dark woolen skirt with her fingers so that it did not trail after her catching on each fallen twig. The wreath had been driven farther from the shore and Seril had to step into the water in order to drag it back. After that, hissing through the clenched teeth, she tried to shake off water from the lace-boots – to little avail. Eventually, relative tranquility needed for concentration was restored and the inquiring incantation recited again.
For some time only sun glints danced on the pond surface intertwined with tree shades. Then it flashed...
In the night sky the full moon shined with changeable light famous city Areinor, peacefully sleeping in summer night of 361. Then darkness fell upon the woods, the moon shaded by a cloud. Shimmer of blue flame, hushed voices, secrecy, eavesdropping, chase... Swirl... Blink...
The picture became confused, the image dissolved in the light-blue ripples, and the not-long-ago restored peace and silence of the forest clearing were broken by a shrill cry.

Before the palace

Leir grew more and more suspicious. Under the circumstances, he was confused. First the strange guest with an urgent message, then this fuss ‘bout royal feast which could be heard even here, and finally the three youngsters still chatting in a corner of the Central Square. Usually people came here in the evening, when small fests or social events were organised. And those three were stealing looks at the front gates as if wishing to come in (uninvited, heh!) but yet not daring to. Suspicious, that’s exactly how it looked.
The guardian gestured to his comrades, ordering to stay on duty, and approached the boy (vaguely familiar), a girl and...
“Ron! What have you been doing here? Your place is at the kitchen as far as I know. And you, strangers? What are your names and what the hell is your business here?” Leir spoke calmly, but in a professional coldish voice of a royal guardian, sending shivers down the addressee’s spine.

"Are you going to let what other people think stand in the way of what you want to do?”
© Theodor Dreiser, The Financier.
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Олорин >>>
post #33, отправлено 10-11-2006, 22:48

Ignis Sanctus

Сообщений: 209
Откуда: Maxwell House
Пол: мужской

Забытых подвигов: 439

Prince John de Rei opened his eyes. It was quite dark in his bedroom but he understood that it was because the blinds were drawn. He felt much better than some hours ago when he was heavily attacked by his mysterious disease. Actually, he could hardly remember anything about that night… Only some people whispering in his room and the face of Lune, the royal healer, who was looking at him and saying some unclear words. Now it seemed a bad dream but His Highness realized that it wasn’t. After five or ten minutes of looking at the elegant decorations of the ceiling prince John decided to get up. The first attempt couldn’t be called successful: he felt giddy and fell down back on the pillow. Then he remembered that he was a prince and that here, in Rosa, there were pretty enough people who could (and had to) help him. So he found a bell and rang.
In a moment his footman* came in. His appearance showed that he had a sleepless night. Prince even felt a bit guilty because his disease gave many other people a lot of trouble.
“Good morning, sir. Can I help you?”
“Hello, William… First of all, please, open the window”, asked young prince. When the servant did, daylight and fresh air filled the bedroom. John found out that it was already quite late. The air and the sounds from the garden made him feel much better.
“Thank you. And now, please, help me to get up and dress. By the way, is there any news about Rosa or Areinor?”
His servant had a wonderful ability to know practically all news and gossips of the capital. Some of them he was glad to share with his master. William was very talkative man and prince was eager to know what was happening outside the palace which he couldn’t leave for already three years. But today the servant told His Highness no useful information. “Just imagine, sir, duke Safley portioned with his daughter** a castle of Idune!.. And lord… And sir Kessertin…” And so on. But the name of King’s Counselor reminded him about some suspicions that he had about His Lordship’s affairs and the situation in Rosa in general. So when the dressing was over prince John interrupted his servant.
“Please, William, call for Lune. I feel not very well.”
“Sure, sir”, answered William, bowed and left the room. Prince John sat down in the armchair. He had headache, but the main reason of sending William away was that young prince wanted to be for some time alone in order to have chance to think about some strange facts. He didn’t like sir Kessertin. Really he hated him. Some mysterious business of His Lordship was doubtlessly harmful for Royal Family and maybe the country in general. Prince understood this fact but he could do nothing. First of all, he didn’t have enough information. And the main problem was that even though because of his health he spent much time reading different books and discussing them with the librarian instead of fencing and horse-riding and even though he was better educated than most part of adults prince John was just a fifteen-year-old boy whose opinion meant nothing even for his father. For example, those men who came to Rosa some time ago. Or they were not men? When John asked his father about this group and than asked to remove them from the palace the only answer he managed to get was something like: “In some years you will understand that it is necessary for the politics…” Actually, prince was sure that it was lie or a terrible mistake. But… If only he knew exactly what was happening here, in Rosa! What? What?!
“What the hell is going on?” He said loudly. But he still had no theory about it.

**дал в приданое за своей дочерью

Os iusti meditabitur sapientiam et lingua eius loquetur iudicum.
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Crystal >>>
post #34, отправлено 26-11-2006, 12:42

the one in love
Сообщений: 1502
Откуда: грани реальности
Пол: нас много!

очарованных: 2053

In his attempts to convince Gitana not to go to seek king's justice Litar had not succeeded. Girl was so exited that she just could not understand what was he talked about. Only Vigo was in her thoughts, so she wanted to go straight to the king. Nothing could drive her out of this perilous path.
- Oh, you're just ignorant silly girl, would you listen to me?! Ah, damn! It's too late...
When the guard came nearby and spoke, young hunter had tried to hold a control over situation:
- I'm not a stranger - I'm Litar, king's hunter. They want me to go to the kitchen and send Ron for me. And this is Gitana - circus dancer. She wants audience, but I've told her that now is not the time. I imagine that king is too buisy right now. We've done nothing wrong and meant no harm to nobody... Can we proceede?

Сообщение отредактировал Crystal - 6-12-2006, 14:30

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Parkan >>>
post #35, отправлено 26-11-2006, 13:54

Wyld Wyld West Marshall

Сообщений: 395
Откуда: Москва
Пол: мужской

Записей в книге контрактов: 535
Наград: 2

“For nothing,” was the reply. After that the strange woman seemed to reconcile herself with Eugene’s existence and returned to whatever she had been doing here. That didn’t bother Greenstone – there was plenty of room at the pond’s shore. The mercenary approached the large oak he spotted when entered the clearing, threw his back pack on the tangled roots near the oak’s foot and (finally!) kicked off the boots.
“Ahhh… At last!” came the breath of relief. “Definitely time to buy another pair…”
Eugene spread his bedroll aside the fireplace, removed the gloves and the helmet. He was right in the middle of pulling the worn chainmail off the shoulders, when…
The reaction was as fast as it was instinctive – hastily pulling the piece of armor back into place, Greenstone unsheathed his sword and swiftly looked around. Hmm… Nothing suspicious. Still carrying the blade, barefooted, mercenary approached the woman easily.
“Anything wrong, m’lady?”

And that's why Sir Isaac Newton is the DEADLIEST-SON-OF-A-BITCH- IN-SPACE! © Mass Effect 2

Сыграл бы по вселенной Mass Effect; по миру Тьмы (оборотни, а также в роли охотника на вампиров); прикл по современности - мистика и/или survival; нелинейный фентезийный прикл с большой свободой действий. По возможности хотелось бы играть большей частью сольными постами, ну или хотя бы единоличные и совместные посты пополам.
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Daelinn >>>
post #36, отправлено 4-12-2006, 16:19

Private property

Сообщений: 792
Пол: женский

Приключений на свою голову: 1521
Наград: 1

In the palace

William left Prince's apartment and hurried to the neighboring wing of the Rosa to fetch Luana. The royal healer was the one person John needed most, and she was offered a small room nearby, but still she preferred to live with other servants rather than in the half-desolate and empty Library wing.
The servant knocked at the door but there was no response. After a second's hesitation, William descended the stairs leading to the kitchen floor. A glimpse of wonderful dark hair streaming down the back attracted his attention – that's who he is seeking. Few women among the servants could boast the same exquisite and lovely appearance.
"Miss Luana," William called approaching the healer with a small bow.
"His Highness Prince John is waiting for you. I helped him to dress up, but he is still weak and can hardly walk."

Before the palace

Leir stared at Gitana for some time, then uttered in a low voice.
"The guy's right, it's not the time now. And it never will be. Go away, little girl. His Majesty knows how to rule without any advice, and if he ever needs one – there's His Honour at his service. Go, I've told you! Or do you desire so much to be rushed home under escort? We arrested some circus criminal last week, I don't think you would like to join him in the prison cell," the guardian laughed, then clasped her wrist and pushed her rudely away.
"And your names," he continued addressing Litar and Ron, "will be written down to register your lack of zeal and assiduity. Mind your business and don't make your masters wait! Need a stick to move fast?"
With these words Leir stamped his foot and pulled closer as if to carry out his intentions. The boys hurried down the side lane, turning at its end towards the service entrance to Rosa. Ron, now red in his face as well as his hair, swallowed nervously, expecting to be hauled over the coals*.

* получить взбучку

"Are you going to let what other people think stand in the way of what you want to do?”
© Theodor Dreiser, The Financier.
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Parkan >>>
post #37, отправлено 10-12-2006, 19:58

Wyld Wyld West Marshall

Сообщений: 395
Откуда: Москва
Пол: мужской

Записей в книге контрактов: 535
Наград: 2

By the forest pond

“Anything wrong, m’lady?”
“NO!” she snapped, casting a wild look at him.
“Oh yeah?” as far as Eugene could see, there was still nothing worth such a reaction around, so he stopped and sheathed his sword. He was somewhat irritated with this woman’s hostility. “Then why did you scream as if something has just bitten your rear and scare all the crows mile around?”
Seril sighed heavily and clenched her fists, keeping silence. The troubles of this morning were too much for a woman who had been leading a quiet half-recluse life in the outskirts of the capital. The pictures that the water showed at her request resembled a nightmare. Alas, they were not. The King’s Councillor, Lord Keran was there, engaged in some dark sorcery. At least the forces he used were not of the kind she had recourse to. Seril’s mystic talent was closely connected with the wild nature, but Kessertin’s power was a deadly one. But whom did he talk to last night, and who interrupted the conversation? No way to find out, unless she gained a sudden insight, which was a rare thing. There were guesses, however – a late wayfarer, a hunter or some naughty boy careless of his mother’s warnings. Too vague...
Little by little she regained patience and just stood there, eyeing the impertinent intruder.
“Well, yes,” she said at last, “but it is none of your business and I imagine your help can be of little avail. You know nothing of mystics, I guess.”
“Perhaps. But you never know, when a skilled man-at-arms could be needed..” he tried to retort, watching her pace the pond’s bank slowly and then sit down, bracing her knees with both arms. Unfortunately, this very dispute was obviously lost. Then, again, the woman did not seem to be of the kind who can afford to hire a mercenary.
“Then go and scream at some other place!” Greenstone growled, turning around and intending to return to the fireplace and keep at least a slight resemblance of the last word.
Seril started, hearing such words from a stranger who for some reason now considered this fine spot to be his private home.
“What?!” she shouted at the man’s back. “You drive me off from my beloved lands? It’s you who is a guest, it seems to me, and if you don’t like the place and its dwellers – you are welcome to get outta here!”
While Seril spoke, her right hand moved slowly forward, as if following the man, and then pushed the air briskly. The mercenary’s body twitched resembling the gesture as he felt a strong shove in the back.
Eugene felt a push – strong shove right behind his shoulder blades, causing him to make a big awkward step forward just to keep from falling. Darn! After fleeing for the whole night, after having to put up with a quarrelsome witch – unanticipated, traitorous stab in the back in response to the offer of help! The last straw to break horse’s back! Rage boiled in mercenary’s heart, sending fiery jets through all blood vessels. Eugene turned abruptly, kneeling at the same time. His face was distorting in wave patterns, features coarsening and relaxing in a way impossible for a normal man, ear tips sharpening, fangs of the bared teeth getting long and wickedly curved. The clothes and chainmail were visibly stretched to the brink of being torn apart on Greenstone’s suddenly broadened shoulders and torso.
“I sssaw no sssign ‘Prrrivate prroperrrrty’,” rasping, low, threatening growl, the last attempt to remain sane and ward off the deadly anger...
Seril jumped up and drew back hastily. What she heard could be a natural and expected response, but the change in appearance...
“Oh, my!” the enchantress stared at the man wide-eyed and started whispering words hastily, raising her hand in a protective gesture. There was something more to this guy than it had seemed.
As the woman backed off, Eugene tensed, preparing to jump. The wolf within him howled and strained to break free, and familiar bloody haze started to blur Greenstone’s vision. But.. The strange lady actually DID have some understanding of mystical craft. Her lips uttered several unfamiliar, but soothing words, than again, again and again. The short phrase pulsed in Eugene’s mind, dispersing rage and bloodlust, leaving only familiar exhaustion and – strangely – serenity. Out of breath, the mercenary collapsed on the ground, shivering. With an effort he rolled on his back and whispered:
“Thank you…”

(Parkan & Daelinn)

And that's why Sir Isaac Newton is the DEADLIEST-SON-OF-A-BITCH- IN-SPACE! © Mass Effect 2

Сыграл бы по вселенной Mass Effect; по миру Тьмы (оборотни, а также в роли охотника на вампиров); прикл по современности - мистика и/или survival; нелинейный фентезийный прикл с большой свободой действий. По возможности хотелось бы играть большей частью сольными постами, ну или хотя бы единоличные и совместные посты пополам.
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Daelinn >>>
post #38, отправлено 25-12-2006, 14:43

Private property

Сообщений: 792
Пол: женский

Приключений на свою голову: 1521
Наград: 1

By the forest pond

Seril kept repeating the words she learnt in childhood but didn’t understand until Keti, a lady who lived two houses away from her down the village main lane, took her up. The musical voice echoed in the woman’s own ears, bringing down peace on everyone who heard it. Finally, she realized there was no need in the chant and drew a deep breath. The man bore a secret more deadly than hers, judging by what she saw. No doubt, he would be eager to keep quiet about it, but was too loathe to remain calm – as if something drove him crazy against his will. And what if... But no, the councilor could have no part here. His Dishonor’s foul mystic touch would have been obvious.
“For nothing,” Seril replied automatically, raising voice a little in a question-like manner. “D’you feel well? Can talk reasonably?”
The woman came up to the mercenary spread on the ground.
Eugene, still trembling in the aftershock of an interrupted metamorphosis, with some effort shifted his gaze on the woman, as she drew closer. Darn… Again. And so soon after the previous time. He could have easily torn her apart, and no doubt he WOULD have done that, would she had chosen to flee or attack. The strange lullaby saved them both. And the thing that happened once could be repeated. Hmm…
Fighting off leaden weariness, characteristic after his deadly fits of beastly rage, Greenstone propped himself on his elbows.
“Not really well… but sane at the very least, yes. Thank you again…” suddenly the mercenary choked with air and had to clear his throat with strained gulp. Then he continued:
“How did you manage to stop my… err… me?”
"Oh, you know, in these turbulent times a lonely woman cannot do without some skill to calm down the mob who hate ye," Seril waved her hand casually. "Especially if this lonely woman's dwelling is surrounded by ghastly rumours."
She shook her head. Another potential problem, this guy. As if lord Keran's "jokes" were not enough! Ah well, some diversity at least. As Seril sat down again, now by the hard-breathing man, a vision flashed before her eyes forcing a wry smile - an image of this stranger channelling his rage on to Kessertin. No idea who would have stayed alive in that case...
"Now, man, who are you?" an attentive look of dark-green eyes pinned the warrior down to where he was.
Eugene smiled grimly. For a lingering moment he considered the idea of lying, giving this woman, obviously familiar with mystical arts and maybe witchcraft too, some loosely made-up story of sickness, madness, or just rushing away. She, the one Eugene set his eyes upon for the first time less than half an hour ago, wanted to know the deepest, darkest, most guarded secret he had and would ever have. Why, Greenstone didn't even know her name! But, on the other hand... She did help, really did stop him. And he was deadly tired of having to keep this mess inside. Greenstone made up his mind, his face became stern and serious.
"I wish I knew, milady, or found somebody who would... Well, plainly speaking, I am a werewolf. I can turn into a wolf, or even a huge, deadly wolf-like beast, the one mothers scare their children with: thick fur, sharp teeth and long claws, growling and howling. But that's not all..."
The mercenary sighed, trying to straighten his scattered experiences and feelings, so strange, so inhuman.
"I can change freely. Day or night, full moon or not - if I make an effort, I become a wolf, or even the beast. There's no need in moonlight, reflection in water, freshly cut tree stump or whatsoever. But the moon certainly affects me, stirs what dwells within, pushes me into madness. I'm stronger than most of men, well trained in hand-to-hand fight.. even tooth and claw, heh. Confronted a rabid bear once, you know. So I chose to be a fighter for hire. Travel across the land... here today, gone tomorrow... never stay for long... something bloody happens, and I have to flee again... Or let the mob put me on a stake and burn."
By the end of this improvised confession the mercenary's speech had become slow, he lay back on the grass, staring blindly into the clear skies. But the last phrase was spoken with absolute certainty.
"People burn nowadays for much lesser deeds than, I think, yours might be," the woman uttered after a silence, surveying the stranger with her eyes half-closed, then followed his gaze up to the sky. Almost noon. Time to return - with bad news and bad company. "So, changeling from fairy-tales, you're afraid of other people's awareness rather than mine. Why? Our meeting was nothing of a pleasing."

"Are you going to let what other people think stand in the way of what you want to do?”
© Theodor Dreiser, The Financier.
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Parkan >>>
post #39, отправлено 9-01-2007, 22:42

Wyld Wyld West Marshall

Сообщений: 395
Откуда: Москва
Пол: мужской

Записей в книге контрактов: 535
Наград: 2

By the forest pond

“Indeed. Yet no one else ever managed to stop me… heh… no one else ever cared to find out what I was,” with a soft groan Eugene lifted his head and sat up, crossing his legs. “Not that people often had a chance for that. I’m tired of being a monster.”
“Listen to me!” the mercenary leaned forward suddenly, grabbing his savior’s shoulders. “If you could teach me some of your ways, help me tame my beast…”
Now Greenstone’s voice was ringing, hope shining brightly in his eyes.
“I’d be in a life-long debt to you. Please, help.”
The woman watched the stranger silently, giving second thought to what she had decided. She drew back mildly, escaping from the man’s grasp.
“I never teach, I sell. Herbs, potions, charms, advice,” Seril paused, intending to wait and see.
Somewhat disappointed, Eugene shrugged. “Skill and knowledge are as good a merchandise as any other trinket. People sell books, people buy books. People pay considerable sums to be taught fencing, singing, dancing – whatever art or craft you like. Oh yes, I realize, the rarer the trade in question - the higher or more exotic the payment.”
“So you wanna buy my services, ain’t ye,” she smiled. "And what’s the benefit for me?”
“Well… You could have my services in return”, Eugene smiled back. “Besides, you could study me, gain some extra knowledge… if you’re so interested in my changeling nature.”
“Knowledge...” the woman’s eyes grew serious, she wasn’t smiling anymore. “Changelings... I fear to hurt innocent citizens... Ah, well, we’ve been talking ‘bout different things. Price, yes. That’ll do. But I don’t guarantee any success.”
Seril stood up and engaged herself in straightening her gown and wiping off dirt from the lace-boots. Eugene rose to his feet too and stretched his arms with a soft crackling sound.
“So far so good, ma’am. I just hope you won’t ask any of my limbs or guts. Other than that – feel free. Now, if you’re to leave, give me a couple of minutes to wash off the dust and pack my gear,” with these words Greenstone trotted off to the oak where he had left his belongings.

Ten minutes later they were heading south-west, to the forest road. Areinor lay two hours ahead, and by the time Seril stepped out into the sunlight, not shadowed by branchy tree tops, she had learnt several things new and strange from her companion’s past. Unlike him, by the way – every such attempt met a thoughtful yet impenetrable gaze and evasive reply. The midday sun was shining most earnestly when the door of “the witch’s hut” creaked softly, greeting the hostess’s return.

And that's why Sir Isaac Newton is the DEADLIEST-SON-OF-A-BITCH- IN-SPACE! © Mass Effect 2

Сыграл бы по вселенной Mass Effect; по миру Тьмы (оборотни, а также в роли охотника на вампиров); прикл по современности - мистика и/или survival; нелинейный фентезийный прикл с большой свободой действий. По возможности хотелось бы играть большей частью сольными постами, ну или хотя бы единоличные и совместные посты пополам.
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Crystal >>>
post #40, отправлено 10-01-2007, 11:22

the one in love
Сообщений: 1502
Откуда: грани реальности
Пол: нас много!

очарованных: 2053

After this unpleasant scene near the gates Litar became a little bit nervous. Besides his general trouble with the counselor, he's got now some unnecessary attention of the guards. Too many for one young man.
The chief cook met Litar with loud curses: "Why the hell are you so long?! Where damn it the game*??? I've got to many things to do, so why I have to wait the raw meat for an hours, when king's dinner is almost at hand??!?"
Young hunter tried to tell something in self-apologies, but no one listened. His bag with wild fowls now was taken and it seemed, that he was no use here anymore. Calmed a little Litar went out from the kitchen. He intended to get out of the palace, but what to do next he did not know. It was obvious that lord Kessertin won’t let him live if he’d found who was there in the night forest. But still nothing bad had happened, so it was possible to hope, that counselor did know nothing. Yet. And then, Gitana’s face was in mind of Litar. This fragile girl must not die in palace’s dungeons, but she will if not to argue her to leave her foolish intention to seek king’s justice.
With such thoughts hunter went in the court and raising his eyes suddenly he met sharp look of lord Keran. It seemed, that counselor returned from somewhere and now was looking on Litar. Starting Litar felt that his legs became disobedient and his mouth was dry. Lord Kessertin stared at him with a long look of hypnotizing snake, as if he knew all the truth. Trying to hold control over himself Litar hastily went out. It was plain now that from that moment counselor became suspicious on young hunter’s side.

* - дичь

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